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Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Artist of the Week

  Tonight, I'm unveiling a new feature of I am Music: The artist of the week. It's an opportunity to explore artists on the rise, and those I'm simply crazy about right now. But this isn't just about what I have to say. There's nothing I love more then discovering new music. Feel free to leave a comment if you feel there's an artist worth mentioning this week for one reason or another! I look forward to hearing from you all!

  This week's artist is the always superb Augustana. After two spectacular full length efforts, the four piece so-cal outfit have released their self-titled masterpiece. Overflowing with heartfelt lyrics and truly impassioned musicianship, Augustana have crafted a ten-song gem that is sure to be in my discussion for album of the year. The album is available now, and I've included a sample by embedding the music video for their latest hit single, "Steal Your Heart".

Monday, April 4, 2011

A Mission Statement...

first and foremost, i am music--welcome.

If you've met me, you've met a person who scours internet on a near constant basis, looking for the next great cd that defines a moment in my life. I don't look for the next classic album or the next great album of 20insertyearhere. Everyday it seems I find a great song that makes a perfect soundtrack at one point or another. My mission is not to trash what's on the radio right now. My mission is to be a constant reminder that music is so much more than what's on the radio. It's so much more than your comfort zone. Your taste in music is only what you like until the next great song that touches you. It's a constant evolution and that's fantastic. Super cheesy--I know, but don't be afraid. Sit back and relax. I'm not out to impress you with every song I find. My job is complete if you can find one new artist that makes your day or week or month.

In this blog, you'll find plenty of recommendations on artists I'm currently listening to. I love charts and lists, so you'll see plenty of those. As a casual fan, I may not be privy to the latest news, and I may not jump on an artist as fast as others do, but I'll be as dedicated as I can to keeping you up to date with at least what I listening to and maybe what crosses my mind when I put my ear to the ground concerning the latest happenings in the industry.

I wanted to christen the maiden voyage of this blog the only way I know how: By showing you where it all started for me. I can't say that Jimmy Eat World are unequivocally my favorite band as much as I could say it when I was in high school. But during my musical peak, they were simply the band that resonated with me the most; intensely personal lyrics, passionate live shows, and supremely catchy musicianship. I was hooked from the moment I first heard Table for Glasses off their debut album Clarity. It was the beginning of the rest of my life in every definition of that cliched sentence. This video is a live performance of what is by favorite song of theirs. It's titled '23'. Known for there epic closing tracks, this one packed a megaton punch for me. I heard this song at the ripe age of 20. It perfectly encapsulates the aura of the indie/emo scene that has become grossly over saturated in recent years. It's a beautiful song that captures the essence of Jimmy Eat World as a band: Intricate guitar melodies, big choruses, and deeply emotional lyricism. I hope you enjoy. A lot of the song is lost in the live performance so I am including the studio version as well. Thanks for browsing and I hope to see you all again soon!